My Story

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

More Than Enough

faith, hope, Jesus Christ, feeding the 5,000, loaves and fishesThis morning I was reading the story in the Bible when Jesus Christ feeds 5,000 people.  It is a story that I have known for a long time and I think that sometimes I take this miraculous story for granted.  Feeding 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish is miraculous.  The part of the story that I love the most is that when every one of those 5,000 people were filled, there were still twelve baskets full of food, which was still more than they had in the beginning.  He provided for His followers needs with overflowing abundance.

"And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full." Matthew 14:20

When Christ tells us that He will take care of our needs, He will.  When he promises that he will bear us up and sustain us, He will.  When He says He will make a bounteous feast from our meager offering, He will.

I have prayed countless times to be healed.  I have prayed to be able to do many of things that I used to be able to do with ease.  While I have not found instant relief from my physical ailments, I have had miraculous answers to my prayers.  God has provided me with the help I have needed, even if I have not been able to do those things myself.

I lost the ability to drive my kids to school, practices and lessons.  I lost the ability to cook for my family and grocery shop.  I lost the ability to take care of the basic needs of my family.  When I prayed for healing, I hoped that my prayers would be answered with my increased ability.  However, the answer came in the form of those that were willing to help me do those things I could no longer do myself.

Without fail, when I was trying to figure out how to get a child someplace, somebody would contact me and ask if any of my kids needed a ride.  When we didn't have dinner, countless people showed up on my doorstep with meals.  Time and time again people offered the needed help without being asked.

One week my husband had to leave town on business for the week .  Concerned about how we would function without him,  he prayed in faith that we would have all that we needed while he was away.  He was gone six days and during that time, six meals showed up at our house.  We had more food than we needed.  We were filled and still had extra abundance.  It was truly our personal miracle of the loaves and the fishes.  Most of those people that brought meals had no idea that my husband was away.  They simply followed an inspired thought to help.  That is how Christ performs many of His miracles; He inspires those that are willing to listen and act.

Jesus Christ truly provides for our spiritual and physical needs.  When we believe in Jesus Christ and trust in His promises, we are never left lacking.  He asks us to give him all that we have and He will make up the difference.  When we give Christ our meager loaves and fishes He will turn them into a bounteous feast.

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